Meet The Characters

Ben is 7 and three quarters, but who's counting?

Ben has relationships with everyone he meets and always wants to help. That even applies to Treble Maker, he just leaves without ever giving Ben a chance to speak! He just won't let anything get in the way of rescuing the music. He doesn't like the world being unable to use music to express itself. It’s always fun when you play together. He encourages exploration and likes to notice even the small things like a cool bird that just landed on a tree or hoe a leaf looks through the sun and how when you walk heavier it could sound like drums. He likes seeing his friends take chances and be brave to try new things. He values his friends and music and really believes music spreads joy beyond the world and throughout the universe.



The 'Treble Maker' is a sneaky Treble Clef (as his name implies)

He steals musical key items that prevent Ben the Brave from listening to the music of that world. As clever as the Treble maker is he never is really able to get away from Ben as Ben's mission is to always listen to the music. He's not so fast and he's kind of clumsy just as he is about to be successful in getting away. To prevent Treble Maker from success, Ben must find 'The Musical Keys' to rescue each instrument at a time. When that happens Treble Runs away to make trouble somewhere else where he shouldn't.


Boom Boom the Bass Clef is Ben's trusty sidekick and best friend

Even though he speaks in by only saying 'Boom Boom' his expressions tell the whole story!


The Drum Family

The Drum Family is loving family that enjoys playing different rhythms and celebrating their own unique sounds! Mama The Kick Drum knows how to get everyone on beat!


Gabe the Guitar

Gabe the Guitar is from the World of Rock and love to play just make sure you don't turn off the lights suddenly when he's around. He tends to get a little scared (but, he won't admit it!


Betty the Bass

Betty the Bass is coolest of all the instruments. Always keeping her groove and her cool!


Pearl The Piano

Pearl The Piano is a fun 'Grand'ma Piano she has an incredible taste in music and loves to play with all of the instruments!